Monday, October 25, 2010

Two Cycle Oil Burning Engines Should be Illegal

Most engines are 4 Cycle engines where the engine oil is used by the engine seperately from the gasoline combustion part of the engine. However, with a 2 Cycle engine the oil is mixed with the gasoline and is burned as part of the combustion process. Two Cycle engines create a huge amount of unnecesary pollution. A 2 Cycle engine is like a car that burns oil which blows oil smoke out the exhaust pipe. Four cycle engines do not cost much more to produce that 2 Cycle engines and really have no mechanical advantage at all. Engine manufacturing companies should voluntarily switch from any 2 Cycle manufacturing they do to 4 Cycle production, and, Federal Regulations should be enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency to require the changeover with a 3 year grace period for the retooling. The 4 Cycle engine should be able to be produced to make a reasonble profit, just as much, or moreso, than the 2 Cycle. If this move is made, and if my new smoke stack scrubber design is used, and if my engine exhaust converter design is used, then there should be no concern at all in the United States with "Greenhouse Gas Emissions," and no Greenhouse Gas regulations will be needed.f

(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar

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