Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shale Oil Natural Gas Production in the Rocky Mountains

Since the Jimmy Carter administration, some dimwit has come up with the idea of taking dirty oil out of rock and then refining it for commercial use. However, when you think about it, it must take more energy and money to take the oil out of the rock, than you get from the oil which is later produced. Additionally, shale oil production is an environmental disaster. Shale oil production typically involves strip mining and the destruction of the scenic Rocky Mountains. Now, I assert that since you can easily get Natural Gas out of underground coal seams by sinking a shaft down and then pumping out the Natural Gas, you should also be able to do this with a Shale Oil field. Instead of trying to remove and process the Shale Oil, the company should just sink a 12 inch wide shaft, down 100 feet or so, and then use exhaust fans or pumps to pump out Natural Gas which seeps out of the Shale Oil rock. Moreover, once the Natural Gas is produced, you can use a small amount of that Natural Gas to run the electricl generators which power the fans and pumps, for virtually no cost. Natural Gas Shale Oil production is a money maker, and is good for the environment and good for America.

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