Sunday, October 24, 2010

Save Money With a Backflow Shunt Breaker Electrical Outlet

Apparently, it is not widely known that when you have an office building or even a residential house, that the wire in your building acts as a "battery" which in certain circumstances will store a large amount of electricity. For example, in the evening in a residential house, most of the lights are on in your house, the furnace or air conditioner fan is on, the kitchen appliances are on, etc. In this situation, a large amount of electricity is in the electrical lines in your house. Then, everybody goes to bed, and most of the above appliances, etc., are shut off. At this point, there is a reverse flow in your electrical lines, such that a large amount of the electricity in the lines goes right out back through the electrical meter, and back onto the electrical grid. But, here is the problem, the electrical meters are designed only to work in one direction, that is, into your house and not the other way. Thus, your electricity is being donated by you free to the electrical company, twice a day, at least. To stop this from happening, the electrical meter into your house must work both in and out, forwards and backwards, and most current electrical meters do not. If, you cannot get a two way electrical meter installed, you can buy electrical outlets which have a breaker on them, with the red and black punch switches and an indicator green light to show if the electricity is live to the outlet, or if the breaker has been tripped. Such outlets also often have a backflow shunt which stops your electricity from flowing back onto the grid. This can save you a significant amount of money on your electric bill.

(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar

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