Saturday, July 2, 2011

Supply Side Economics is Illegal Communism

Anyone who preaches Illegal, Supply Side economics violates Sheriff's Law and is a traitor. Some idiot like Dennis Corgill, in the Reagan Administration came up with Supply Side economics. You see supply side economics is another way for arguing for a command and control, communist, dictated economy. Supply Side, wrongly argues, that you should not consider the Demand Function in a economy or a business. You see, central economic, or supply side business planning, like they had in the Soviet Union, simply uses violence and terror to implement a dictated economy where all the consumers or customers are told what to buy, at what price, with the government using coercive force to make sure this happens. The government is the price and supply regulator, and the cosumers have no choice in what they buy, and have no choice regarding what price they might pay. For example, in a supply side regime, if you went into the grocery store, you would be told what type of bread to buy, and at what price. In a regulated capitalist market, with both supply and demand, you, the consumer have the right to comparison shop between different products, and thus have the right to buy which loaf of bread, or steak, or chicken, you want to. Assuming that the Federal Reserve is making low interest or no interest small business loans, if you and enough of your friends are pissed off enough that the cost of bread is too high, and the quality too low, then you can start your own business and compete with the losers who don't know how to produce a good loaf of bread at a reasonable cost. Thus, we can see in any transaction for the sale of goods, there is a buyer (demand) and a seller (supply), and withouth both, there is no transaction. Ronald Reagan was a communist spy out of South Africa and Vladivostok, Soviet Union, who did his best to destroy the Republican Party, and America.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011 C.E.) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C., (PA)
and The American Public as a Public Domain Copyright.

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